Let’s Hear it for African Violets

May 20, 2015

Text by Karin Lidbeck Brent    Photography by Karin Lidbeck Brent

I never had been a big fan of African violets; they just didn’t grab my attention until I created an article about them. Boxes and boxes of varieties were shipped to me, and I was pleasantly surprised when I started to unpack them! The combination of colors and shapes was stunning. Presentation is everything, and when I started playing with containers and different display ideas, I began to admire them with fresh point of view. Safe to say I am an official fan now.

The variety of textures and leaf shapes—double, cupped, multi-colored, star-shaped, belled, fringed petals make for a plant with a wide-range of looks. Their beauty is particularly breathtaking when combining different varieties of similar colors.

A single plant placed in an unusual container creates a royal setting that can make the violet stand out.

African violets were originally brought west by a European explorer in 1892 who found them on the wooded mountain floors of Africa. I love the look of placing violet pots nestled in a bed of moss, looking as they would have appeared in their natural state.

Don’t think you have room for house plants? You certainly have enough space for these miniature African violets just 2” tall!

myviolet.com is the go-to grower and resource if you are interested in exploring the infinite varieties of this easy-to-care for plant. They thrive in indirect light and moist soil. Plant violets in terra cotta pots, and then water them by placing a  potted plant in a tray of water, allow it to drink until moist and then put it back in its place.

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